Friday, February 11, 2011

First time for everything... wife has been telling me for some time that I need to start a blog.  So, here goes nothing.

For someone who is always speaking his mind, I got nothing, at the moment. Right now, I am simply trying to figure out what I am doing here. I suppose I could start with a little basic bio information.  That seems like a safe place to start. I will expand on all of this as time goes on, I am sure.

My name is John Sheldon.  I am a (very) happily married man.  I know some of you reading this think you have a wonderful spouse.  And I have no doubt that they are a wonderful person.  However, they pale in comparison to my wife, Katie.  This is a simple fact;  accept it, and move on.  Her one flaw is her taste in men.  How she puts up with a schmuck like me is a mystery, but I am glad she does. I met Katie doing theater, a hobby that she and I are both passionate about.  I'll expand on my theatrical career in later posts.

I, also, have a ten year old daughter, Samantha, who is a godsend.  She and I have been through a lot together; my current wife is not the mother of my daughter. That honor goes to my first wife.  She and I separated when Sam was 2.  In the years that followed, Sam and I went through a lot, as I seemed to become her primary caregiver.  I found out how hard it is to be a single parent, to be a mommy AND daddy at the same time.  At times, I failed.  At times, I succeeded.  Through it all, she and I formed a bond that is still strong to this day.  How she turned out is the one thing I am most proud of.

I live in Halethorpe, MD, right outside of Baltimore.  I am fortunate in that I live close to my parents, who are about ten minutes away in Columbia.  Also, my younger brother, and his family, lives within a half hour, and my older sister and her husband live about an hour away, in Virginia. 

I work as a payroll analyst for a health company. Essentially, a payroll CPA, although I am not an accountant. But its that kind of work. And yes, its as exciting as it sounds. So, I doubt you will hear me talk much about it.  I will, however, talk about the band of misfits who make up this office.  I say this with nothing but affection, however.  I geniuinely like (most of) the people I work with.  They make it bearable.

That covers the basics.  God only knows where this blog may take me, but Katie feels like it will be a good outlet for me.  We'll see what happens...

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