Wednesday, February 23, 2011

And the Oscar goes to...

Nope, this one is not about the puppy.  This one is about the Academy Awards, airing this Sunday.

There was a time when I would have an educated opinion about the Oscars. A lifetime ago, I worked for a move theater, and would see 95% of the movies.  Even the crap. (And yes, there has always been crap.  Those people who say "They dont make them like they used to" are just fooling themselves, because they NEVER made them as good as they seem to remember). When you can see movies for free, you tend to forgive the crap, because all it cost me was my time.

But all those years of seeing movies for free spoiled me, since I usually watched them after hours, with a couple of friends/co-workers.  So, I never had to deal with the "human" element.  And now that I have to, there are very few movies that are worth going to the theater for, because of the rest of the audience. Its just not worth it.  Those few instances where I have braved the landscape is only after a movie has been out for weeks so that maybe the crowds have died down. Even then, I am usually shown that I was right to stay away.

The only exception to these rules is when I take Sam to a kids movie.  I go in with different expectations, knowing that kids are gonna be running around being stupid because people dont know how to parent.

Its not the quality of movies that have gone down;  I would just rather watch them in the comfort of my own home. 

So, I was looking at this this years major Oscar nominees, and out of the 25 (or so) movies that have a nomination for best picture, best director, or acting award, I have seen a grand total of...One of them.  And five of them I have never even heard of. 

Oh, and that one that I saw was Toy Story 3. 

Well, at least The Amazing Race is also on Sundays, so at least the night wont be a total loss...

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